Gaggle Speaks

Ideas, news, and advice for K-12 educators and administrators to help create safe learning environments.

Student Safety

Why Get a Gaggle Safety Audit?

Written by Paget Hetherington
on August 21, 2019

A Safety Audit, performed by Gaggle is a retrospective analysis of student-created content and review of possible incidents Gaggle’s services would have caught, had you been a subscriber at the time. In the past year, Gaggle has completed 80 Safety Audits and found 183,700 actionable items that would have led to an immediate response by Gaggle.  If you’re looking to improve student safety in your school or district, conducting a Safety Audit can be a great way to see the potential impact before partnering with Gaggle. 

Here are three reasons you should consider requesting a Safety Audit:

1.      Share results with other administrators and school leaders to get their support in purchasing Gaggle’s services. If your technology leadership team is on the fence about implementing  Gaggle at your school, seeing your school’s safety data laid out in a detailed report might be the final step to persuade the full team to get on board.

2.      Uncover students who are currently struggling before an incident escalates and becomes  dangerous for a student and others. A Safety Audit will show actual examples of dangerous content currently living in your students’ accounts and give you an idea of what the system may catch in the future, helping you prevent a potential tragedy.

3.      Understand how students are communicating online to better help them learn how to become responsible digital citizens. Discover the scope of actionable items that your students are most often responsible for, such as profanity, sexual content, cyberbullying and harassment. Once you implement Gaggle, the system will automatically send students safety reminders when they act inappropriately online.



A Safety Audit provides you with a detailed look into your students’ online activity. Ultimately, you can use this report to make the official decision to implement Gaggle in your school or district. Once Gaggle is in place, your students will have a safe online space, monitored by machine learning algorithms and a 24/7 in-house support team who block, categorize, and report potentially unsafe content in real-time. To learn more about the benefits of a Safety Audit, visit What is a Gaggle Safety Audit?

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